Hello hello
it’s October! Still wondering how can time ruins sooooo fast. And at the beginning of October last, which is 1
October yesterday. Batik day!! I always have a thing about
batik, in fact I wondered why so many peoples don’t like wear batik. In my view, batik is cool. Don’t
you think it’s amazing we wear batik with the details are
quite complicated. And surely for me batik isn’t just a piece of fabric.
Batik also describe about beauty, art, technique, elegance, history, culture, and the combination of the various components
of a very beautiful and attractive printed on a piece of fabric which is very pretty.
Batik also can define our identity, Indonesian
person. It reminds me of the vintage Indonesian ladies back in
the old days, and it makes me feel pretty and timeless. Actually batik is a
kind of timeless fashion. I mean, as we know that batik has been around a long time, and many people use it. And even now is still a trend.
Batik was also used to identify someone's social status. Because of the
complexity in the making, it became so classy & expensive that some of
Batik motives can only be worn by the royal family.
I heard for some people say that “if you
can’t buy an international designer pieces, at least buy the local product.” And
I absolutely agree with that statement, from economical side batik more friendly
on the pocket than the other international product which is very expensive. But
still as beautiful as international product. So even though it’s late, Happy
Batik Day, people! Wear it and be proud of it. :)
one of my favorite motif :))
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