Yesterday when I was rummaging through my mother's room, I saw these pieces of vintage-mustard dress which are matched with a vintage coat. And surely I fell in love in the very first time I saw them. My heart was screamed want to try them; I swore that should be great for me. And hell yeah! That’s true! It was awesome, feel like I’m a grateful lady when I wore it. Actually, I want to be the real lady.
My mom told me that being the real lady isn't easy. Being lady means you have a grateful attitude even you have a brilliant brain or pretty face. Don’t be arrogant with all of that. Being a lady also has to take a big effort if you want something. But don’t forget to the Lord. So you must always pray to Him. And the last but not least, being a lady must be elegant. Don’t be rude to the one who treat you bad or mock you. “When someone hates you for illogical reasons, actually they just jealous on you”
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