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You May Call Me Red-Addict

            Red, red, red, red, and red again. Yeah, I’m addicted into red. I love red! Red success for making me look dazzling instantly and the plus thing is I will look hot too. Bahahaha, dazzling-casual and hot at once, why not? Love, love, love it! What do you think? well, I decided to wear this outfit for celebrate Lunar Chinese Year ;)


  1. you love read?? me toooooo, screaamm !!! >.< nice skirt dear :)

    I am now following you, you would like to visit my blog and follow me back :) kamsiaa
    My Butterfly Fly Away

  2. im in love with your look and your blog , IT'S SPECIAL ! !
    follow for follow?

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Go to my blog in order to answer the questions I have for you! Thanks x

  4. sukaa sama roknya, :)
    btw, itu fotonya di ijen nirwana malang?hehe

    ohh ya, mind to follow each other?thank you, :)

  5. Loving your skirt!<3<3

  6. I'm a fan of red too! love your bag dear, so unique :)

  7. Awww we love your red skirt, Lovely and so cute!

  8. such a cute look <3
    love your blog, would you like to follow each other?


  9. lovely outfit !! :)
    What about follow each other?
    Let me know :)
    have a lovely day <3

  10. lovely, the bag is very cute :)

  11. nice post! love it!

  12. I like your top dear :D


  13. You look so, so cute,
    I love red, too, it's such
    a wondeful colour. :)

  14. really cute :3
    mind to check my blog?


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