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Showing posts from April, 2016

Selamat Hari Kartini, Perempuan Indonesia!

Selamat Hari Kartini, Perempuan Indonesia. Sudah terhitung kesekian kalinya perayaan terhadap ‘kebebasan’ perempuan Indonesia dirayakan di bumi pertiwi ini, namun apakah benar kita semua sudah benar-benar bebas? Bebas untuk berpendapat? Bebas untuk menentukan untuk masa depan? Apakah sudah demikian bebas? Perempuan sendiri dalam hierarki sosial dikenal sebagai makhluk sekunder yang selalu dinomorduakan dibandingkan dengan pria, lebih-lebih di Asia yang kebanyakan masih menganut patriarki yang mana menganggap derajat pria tentulah di atas dan melebihi derajat pria. Perempuan sendiri erat kaitannya dengan dapur, beberes rumah hingga urusan ranjang. Sementara bagaimana dengan pekerjaan lainnya? Perempuan sering kali dipandang sebelah mata terkait dengan kemampuannya, “mampukah anda memimpin kelompok?”, “mampukah anda tidak melibatkan emosi pada diskusi ini?, “mampukah anda berfikiran logis?”, “mampukah anda melalui semua ini?”. Atau yang paling buruk adalah perempua...

Make Up Class and Talkshow with emina

Today I attend the event from emina which was make up class and talkshow with Dinda Puspitasari (my favorite book illustrator) and Diana Rikasari (one of my favorite fashion blogger) at Soetandyo Room FISIP UNAIR. I was very curious with emina because it recently often appear in any magazines. And luckily today I tried their products! emina itself is a new born make up which was launched at 2015, and surely made in Indonesia. Their packaging was very cute and sweet, I can guess that their segmentation for teenagers. I used to think that the products of this brand might be disappointing so I didn’t expect anything, but hey this products were underrated (even if, some of their products were not that good). Firstly, I cleaned my face with wet tissue and toner—I can say I don’t really understand the differences between the toner from emina and the other one. After that I applied sun protection 30 spf, and yeah I love it! Super hydrating and ...

It Still Cold Outside

Hello guys! I really miss you. Big sorry for Missing In Action—well I know I know I often missed for a long time. I really had confused for dividing my twenty-four-hours for my academic activity, blogging, and my work time which is so busy. But then, I really miss blogging again (after very long time I lost) so I decided to write and upload more photos—for sure at this site. So we’re getting close with the summertime but still the weather so unpredictable, when I didn’t wear warm clothes or even brought my umbrella it would be rain. And frankly, sometimes it’s still cold outside because of those weather, so yeah my monochrome outfit with red touch will help me to keep warm.  turtleneck: online shop (i forget) black tank: forever21 black pants: mataharimall red clutch: mango high pumps: vince camuto