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From Paris Van Java to Batavia

This holiday my friend and I decided to go to Paris Van Java (Bandung) just visited my friend there, because I haven’t been there yet before. Yes, I had class vacation when I was on junior high school but my parent didn’t let me go. And it was my first time I went vacation for quite long time (around four days) without my parents. My parents never let me go before, they had so much worry about me (a girl who travel alone—yes they’re a kind of conservative parents).

We decided to go to many places at Bandung and then we went Jakarta (Batavia) and sure we had so much fun at those places. Well, cause of I’m afraid you’ll be bored cause I type a long story I decided to post many photos.

day one
we walked from KAA (Konferensi Asia Afrika) Museum to alun-alun Bandung and braga street just because I really wanted to be Bandung's pedestrian. ugh, shallow huh? but seriously, Bandung ambiance was perfect to pedestrian. and we ate so much, but I didn't took many pictures because I just too hungry to took pictures first. hehe. 

day two
we went at Tahura (Taman Hutan Raya) because honestly we wanted to come at Amour Cafe plus enjoying fresh nature so yeah we went there for it and surely taking much photos. hehe. after we went there we moved at Ngorean Cafe to eat (again) because at Amour Cafe we haven't full yet. hehe.

day three
we went to Jakarta and we decided to go to Museum Nasional Indonesia because we never gone there so yeah. new experience, right? anyway, I just realized that my friend's house was so ethnic and catchy, right?


  1. I just love the color combination of rust blouse and denim skirt! )

    blog: MyBlondeGal
    insta: @myblondegal

  2. Welcome in bandung!
    oh let me know if you go to bandung again, maybe we can meet up? catch me by email
    btw, love your hair dan style :)

    Putri |

    1. Thank you, maybe next holiday I come to visit bandung again? Hehe.

  3. Gurrrl! what a vintageee vibes right here!! Me like it! love your wavy hairrrr too!!! and the music jam on your blog, I press play I and I dont regret it!!! Definitely will coming back to your blog!! Would you like to keep in touch? I followed your blog dear!

    Greeting from central Java, A former Batavia

  4. Great travel photos, thanks for sharing... cute look!
    IG @grace_njio

  5. nice post
    look like you have a great time

  6. You look so chic here! And love those beautiful pictures as well.
    Thanks for sharing some lovely places in Bandung.


  7. wooow i love the pictures!! What camera do you use?

    1. Hi, thank you! I use Canon Eos M3 here.

  8. Wow! What stylish outfits!
    Interesting Museum and beautiful nature!
    Would you like to follow each other? Follow me on Blog and Google+ and I'll follow you back!

  9. Hi dear!
    Nice to meet you, I am your new follower☺️ thank you for passing by my blog and I totally love the pictures and the outfits! I must say my favorite is the second one 😻
    Have a nice weekend!💋

    Elena from Somniare Aude blog

  10. Such a lovely place and love the outfit!

  11. Eres tan guapa <3 y tierna me encantan tus fotos , tu look simple y tu blog maravilloso <3 te sigo desde hoy.

    Saludos ,Sempiterna

  12. I like your fashionable look and style

    Chic Poradnik

  13. nice post, like it :)
    Kisses :)

  14. Amazing pictures and the food looks really tasty!

  15. Tempat Wisata Bandung : still on the top


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