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Showing posts from 2019

REVIEW Trilogy Rosehip Oil-Indonesia

Awal kenal Trilogy Rosehip Oil dari salah satu sahabatku, Amalia di tahun 2017. Waktu itu tipe wajahku oily dan acne prone, yang punya banyak BANGET bekas jerawat dan jerawatnya juga. Buat yang mau tau skincare pas masa jerawatan parah bisa cek di sini ya! Masa itu aku aku nggak pede sama wajah sendiri, soalnya walaupub udah effort banget buat make up tapi tetap masih ada samar bekas jerawat yang kelihatan, meskipun udah pakai foundation yang full coverage. Jadi dilema kalau setiap hari (memaksakan diri) pakai foundation, justru bikin wajah makin berjerawat. Amalia berbaik hati nyuruh aku nyobain Trilogy Rosehip Oil punya dia selama sebulan. Biar kalau cocok bisa beneran purchase sendiri, sementara kalo ngga cocok ngga perlu sedih udah beli tapi ternyata nggak berguna.   Tapi, Apa sih Rosehip Oil itu? Rosehip oil adalah minyak yang berasal dari biji mawar jenis tertentu, yaitu rubiginosa atau Rosa moschata. Rosehip merupakan buah yang tertinggal setela...

LOOKBOOK: Lolita Inspired

"She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms, she was always Lolita." I watched this movie several years ago, and it still on my mind. Lolita itself is an adaption movie from a book with the same title. Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, first published in 1955, about a middle-aged literature professor Humbert Humbert who is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze, with whom he becomes sexually involved after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is his private nickname for Dolores. This is a classic work, I'm pretty sure many of you already read it. I honestly don't really like this movie, because this is a male gaze (the act of depicting women and the world, in the visual art and in literature, from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as a sexual object for the pleasure of the male viewer). No wonder, it was an over-sex...

Prologue: The Other Girl

Have you ever took a moment to see what yourself in the internet? In other words, googled your own name to see what you've actually done. Malisa Amalia Search I could find my social medias, from Facebook, Instagram, even LinkedIn. When I look into social media, example: Instagram, feel like I met such a cheerful, beautiful, talented young lady. Girl in the pictures looks perfectly fine, in her cute outfit and poses. Her writings can be positive, sometimes melancholic. I clearly understand about internet persona, 'someone'--maybe it just us, or the other 'person' that we created in internet. We tend to be the best version of ourselves, and portrayed our life as perfect as possible. In other words, we can be anyone and anything in the internet. I met someone from the internet, he said once, "You don't took like the one that I saw on Instagram" these words honestly slapped me really hard. And I asked myself, is sh...