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Showing posts from 2018

Sandara Jiwa: Natural Local Skincare

Sekarang udah lebih dari 2 bulan aku nyobain rangkaian skincare lokal yaitu Sandara Jiwa. Pertama kali tahu merk ini dari Kak Rara Sekar yang nulis di Instagram story-nya, yang katanya 100% alami dan hasilnya cukup signifikan. Akhirnya aku pun tertarik buat mencoba rangkaian skincare ini. Aku suka banget idea overview Sandara Jiwa, "Sandara Jiwa diawali oleh kepedulian akan industri kecantikan yang menjual 'kecantikan platonis' yang dikonstruksi oleh kulit putih, rambut lurus, serta tubuh kurus/langsing...." Selengkapnya dapat dilihat di sini . Intinya, Sandara Jiwa ingin mengapresiasi semua kecantikan terlepas dari warna kulit serta aspek fisik lainnya. Produk lokal ini juga ingin kita semua menerima anugerah kecantikan fisik yang didapatkan, demi kecantikan dari dalam juga. Setelah konsultasi masalah kulitku yaitu normal to oily-acne prone dan ingin menghilangkan bekas jerawat, disarankan untuk menggunakan rangkaian produk yang terdiri dari calen...

Lowcal Kitchen, Healthy and Yummy!

Since my skin is in trouble even if I'm using my current skincare routine, so I guess it because of food I ate. I can't eat too much sugar, oil, and proteins, but last month I just ate everything I bought. For the sake of my skin, I MUST to eat vegetables soup everyday. But my friend just came to my place and we just wanted hangout, we decided to go to Lowcal kitchen. In Malang City, a place with all healthy choices such a rare thing. In this city has many options for hanging out, either with friends or family--but for healthy yet yummy, Lowcal is a pioneer. Lowcal Kitchen is located in Jl. Terusan Dieng no. 39. They served vegetarian menus, from for the sweet tooth as smoothies, pumpkin soup and something salty as teriyaki tempeh, chicken caesar salad, and any other menus. They garnished the food perfectly beautiful! Anyway, if you're confused about food you want to eat, just ask the waitress they'll explain their menus and give you recommendations ...

Stay Cool and Wear Stripes

Actually, how many stripes you can wear? As many as you like! I do really enjoy wearing it and I'd like to add more stripes in my wardrobe. And yeah, I found that I have unhealthy obsession with stripes. Well actually when I want to buy more stripes, I told to myself that I have enough stripes!! Seriously, I have two main reasons why I love stripes--that much! First, Classic piece! You can have one stripes basic shirt and wear it three or five years later without anyone asked, "when did you get it?" because yeah, we wear it every-single-year! Second, Create Illusion! Cliché, if you want to look slimmer, go wear stripes in vertical lines, but if you want to look fuller go choose stripes with horizontal lines! BUT, this 'rule' isn't that important, just wear whatever you're comfortable with! Top: Phenomenon, Matahari Mall Dress: Musée Earring: @giwang_giwang Shoes: Charles and Keith The other reason, I just really comfortable with...

I Left Some Pieces of My Heart at Yogyakarta

First time I came to Yogyakarta when I was in Junior High School, after that my family and I religiously came to Yogyakarta every year. But something happened, we didn't come to 'Gudeg heaven' city for years. Last year was my first time came to Yogyakarta again, and luckily this year I could enjoy Yogyakarta again. First time I went there, I instantly fell in love with this place. I enjoyed walking around Malioboro, observed crowd there about people interactions, bought fascinating stuff sold there. After years I didn't come, I absolutely more and more fall in love this city. I found myself enjoyed night walk to Angkringan, or heard people talking with Javanese language, and great street musician, and many simple things. This year, I enjoyed moments with minimum pictures (well I captured small amount of pictures--If we compare to this post ). I only took pictures at several places, not every places I visit in Yogyakarta. I too...

Apa yang Lucu dari Pelecehan Seksual?

Sumber gambar: Saya mendapatkan pelecehan seksual sejak saya duduk di bangku sekolah dasar. Sekolah saya merupakan sekolah yang religius, membawa nama salah satu agama di sini. Tidak ada yang namanya aurat--yang selama ini disalahkan--terdapat di sana. (Pada saat itu) pasti tidak pernah terpikir untuk mendapatkan pelecehan dalam bentuk apapun, tapi teman laki-laki saya berkali-kali mencoba membuka rok saya secara paksa, tanpa consent saya. Lalu saya-lah yang merasa malu dengan perlakuan mereka. Sementara mereka? Tertawa, seakan pelecehan ini lelucon belaka. Menginjak semasa SMA, pelecehan seksual rupanya tidak berhenti begitu saja. Tak terhitung berapa kali merasa tidak nyaman ketika teman laki-laki saya bersorak ketika saya lewat, kadang sendiri atau bersama teman, terkadang juga meneriaki kata-kata yang membuat tidak nyaman. Saya menunduk malu dan takut. Sementara mereka? Tertawa. "Ini kan cuma lel...

Hello Retro Babes!

Detha ( @plasticdeath ) She describes her personal style as edgy, dark, androgyny, and unconventional. She loves wearing something that show her curves, she barely wear something loose, "just not me." she said. Her most favorite colours all the time: black and white. Period. Well, sometimes she wore something pastels or red, but again "just not me." Top: Next Jeans: Pull n Bear Shoes: Doc Martens Belt: Pull n Bear Sunglasses: Rayban Hoop Earrings: Bershka Me, Malisa ( @malisaaabc ) I describe my personal style as vintage or retro inspired, feminine, yet quirky. You'll find me with stripes from head to toe with different colours, or maybe super vintage or retro vibe. The contrary of Detha, I really enjoy to mix colours and patterns, I don't mind experimenting to my outfit looks, BUT I choose wearing skirt rather than pants. Top: Bershka Jeans: Pomelo  Heels: Charles and Keith Sunglasses: Vintage Gucci...

How To Create 'Glass-Skin' Make Up Look with Drugstore Products?

Gimana sih caranya bikin make up look kayak gini yang keliatan kayak becek trus kayak minyakan ATAU yang lagi nge-tren disebut 'glass-skin' make up dengan cara super gampang?? 1. Prepare your skin! Pake skincare yang emang kamu perlukan buat preparation setiap make up yang akan dipakai. Buat yang penasaran skincare apa yang kupakai, bisa langsung cek di sini ! 2. Pake primer. Aku sendiri pake primer yang udah jadi satu sama moisturizer dari Haple, yang berupa campuran grapeseed oil dan almond oil. 3. Sebelum pake foundation, aku pake concealer dari Maybelline yang shade 25: sand buat menutupi beberapa bagian bekas jerawat atau bekas gigitan nyamuk di mukaku. 🌟 Nah aku punya teknik di sini dari Kak Sandy biar concealer lebih bisa menutupi bekas-bekas jerawat nakal: tunggu agak lama setelah dioleskan concealer. 4. Sambil nunggu concealer agak kering, aku bikin alis. Buat alis, aku pake Just Miss aja yang super murah di Stroberi kayak cuma 17 ribu atau 18 r...